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Community Champion Award Recipient: Georgianna Edwards-Knapp

There will never be enough time to recognize the incredible healthcare workers that support our community. They're usually behind the scenes, many times overworked, and could never be paid as much as they're worth. So, we embarked on a journey to find them, thank them, recognize them, and share their great stories.

As our third round of nominations came to a close, we settled on Georgianna Edwards-Knapp (photo middle). She assists Graeme Gurr (photo left and responsible for her nomination) with activities coordination for the Oakmont of East Sacramento Memory Care community. He shared that Georgianna’s “engagement and ideas when running activities continues to amaze one and all.” “She has been a shining star since day one!” “She is able to turn around resident challenges, produce smiles on their faces on a daily basis, and make sure the community is a fun, better place.”

We see you, Georgianna. We thank you. We are honored to recognize your great work.

(Photo right: Katherine Jones, our fantastic Community Liaison)